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By Laws

Club Officers 
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The Motor City, MI Chapter of the Gunslingers MC rules are specific to the Motor City MI Chapter of the Gunslingers MC and are intended to be a supplement to the National Gunslingers MC by-laws and may not replace or conflict with the National by-laws. Any changes in the National by-laws will be automatically ratified by the Motor City, MI Chapter.

                                                             GUNSLINGERS MC  
The club is independent, and not affiliated with or sponsored by any motorcycle manufacturer or police agency.                                                 

The club was founded to promote motorcycling and camaraderie amongst active and honorably retired Peace Officers.

The goal of the club is to generate an increased level of enthusiasm for riding motorcycles and to support other law enforcement clubs and charitable organizations.


1.     All members must be active duty peace officers, or honorably retired peace officers.

2.    All members must own  a cruiser (cruiser, chopper, bobber, touring) type motorcycle and be licensed to operate a motorcycle.

3.    Prospective members can only be sponsored by active members. Membership into the Gunslingers MC is granted by a vote by chapter members. After being voted in, Prospective members will then be expected to complete a minimum 90 day interim period, in which they are expected to attend as many meetings, club rides, and other club functions as possible. At any time after the initial 90-day interim period, the prospective members’ sponsor may make a motion to have the prospect “Patched in” as a full member. The prospective member must receive a unanimous vote from the chapter members before receiving their colors. If the vote is not unanimous, an extended interim period may be granted.

4.    When a prospective member is voted in, there will be a $100.00 application fee. Once the application fee is received in full by the Mother Chapter Treasurer, the prospective member will them be considered a member and will be awarded a full set of colors, including center piece, top and bottom rocker.

5.    Colors may only be worn by active members (no associates). Colors are the sole property of the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club, and upon leaving or being dismissed from the club, patch sets will be returned to club treasurer. The sponsoring members will ensure that patches are returned from those they have sponsored.

6.      Associates/hang a rounds may wear garments bearing a smaller version of the club logo, but no associate will wear a full size representation of the 3 part back patch. They may participate in club rides, and attend any open functions. However, associates are restricted from sitting in on any monthly meeting.

7.     Chapter members will meet monthly at a pre-determined location. Club officers will meet quarterly, or as needed.

 8.   Club officers will be elected by chapter membership and consist of
a. President         
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Sergeant at Arms
f. Road Captain

-    the Secretary and Treasurer positions may be combined and held by a single member if the size of the chapter is small enough so that a single person would be capable of fulfilling both positions.
-    specific responsibilities will be enumerated on following document, and may be amended or created by officers’ vote.
-    terms of office will be two years and elections will be held at the chapter meeting preceding the chapter’s anniversary date (which will be the June meeting). Elected officers will then assume their responsibilities on the date of charter (7/14).
-    dependent on chapter size, additional Sgt. at Arms and Road Captain positions may be created by officers’ vote.
-    the club’s founding fathers may attend all officers’ meetings, and may vote regardless of whether or not they hold office.
-    in the event of any deadlock in an officers’ vote, the club president will cast the deciding vote.

9   Dues will be assessed on an annual basis, and will be payable on the anniversary of the club charter (7/14). Dues amount may be regulated and adjusted by club officers. Non-payment of dues will result in suspension of membership and possible dismissal. Dues will be prorated for members who join during the calendar year

10.  Any active member who, because of an incurred injury or medical condition that is unable to safely operate a motorcycle, will be eligible to remain an active member and will retain all rights and privileges.

11. Any behavior that brings discredit upon the club and its’ members will be grounds for membership revocation. No patches, pins or symbols of a racially inflammatory or insensitive nature will be displayed upon a vest or garment that also bears the GSMC three part patch.

12. Membership in any other motorcycle clubs, excluding dealership sponsored clubs, (i.e. H.O.G.S., Star Riders ets.) will not be permitted.

13.    Members will participate in a minimum of three club rides and three meetings annually. Any ride/function attended by more than three patched members will count toward a member’s mandatory rides. Any member who fails to attend the prescribed minimum activities will be suspended from the club unless mitigating circumstances dictate an exception is made.   
Additional Gunslinger MC Chapters

14.    The Austin Texas Chapter will be the Mother Chapter of the Gunslinger Motorcycle Club. The Mother Chapter will maintain ownership and all rights to the use and distribution of the club name and logo.

15.    Any prospective new chapters will be voted on and approved by the executive board of the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club.

16.    Any prospective chapters will be started with a minimum of 3 active duty or honorably retired law enforcement officers. The original members of any new chapter will be designated as “Charter Members” and entitled to wear a Charter Member patch.

17.    When a prospective chapter is approved, all members of the new chapter will be accessed a $100 dollar application fee. All members of a new chapter and any new members of an existing chapter must provide proof of Law Enforcement employment to the Mother Chapter secretary.
18.    The Mother Chapter will provide all GUNSLINGER MC patches including bottom and top rocker. The back patches will be given to the new chapter or any new members of an existing chapter after the $100 application fee and National Dues have been received by the Treasurer of the Mother Chapter. All back patches remain the property of the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club.

19.    All other Gunslinger MC patches (officer, road name, and Gunslinger MC front patch) will be purchased through the Mother Chapter Treasurer.

20.    Chapters may produce merchandise, which bear the Gunslingers MC logo. Chapters may use the three part patch for members only t-shirts, jackets etc… The Gunslingers MC logo will not be altered, changed or modified in anyway. Prior to any sales or distribution, the mother chapter must first approve all merchandise designs.

21.    Annual Charter dues will be payable to the Mother Chapter every year on its anniversary date, (July 14). The Executive Board of the Mother Chapter will regulate the amount of Charter dues owed.

22.    Each chapter my also impose “club” dues onto their members as they see fit. These dues can be used to cover local expenses.

23.      The executive board of the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club will be made up of the Founding Fathers, Austin Texas Chapter Officers and the President of every additional chapter. The National President of the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club will be the President of the Austin Texas Chapter.

24.    Disagreements between chapters will be addressed between Chapter Presidents and Sgt. at Arms. Disagreements that cannot be resolved in this manner will be brought to the President or Sgt. at Arms of the Mother Chapter and resolved.

25.    Members of the Executive Board of the Mother Chapter or their designee will meet with members of any new prospective chapter in person prior to granting a charter. This may include members of the prospective chapter coming to Austin.
Individual chapters bare full responsibility for the conduct of their members. The Mother Chapter is not responsible for the actions of other chapters.

26.     Any activity by a chapter or its members that brings discredit on the Club may result in suspension or revocation of their charter. Any habitual nonpayment of Charter dues by members of a specific chapter will be addressed by the Executive Board of Gunslingers MC and may result in suspension or revocation of their charter.

General Provisions
 The name of this organization shall be the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club, and the founding members reserve all rights to the control and design of the colors, name Gunslingers, and membership requirements.

Club Founders:

Robert Hawkins
Troy Brown
John Wills


Officers’ Duties

-    Will formally address club related issues, mediate disputes between club members, address policy issues, by laws, and be the point of contact for members wishing to sponsor new members.

Vice President

-    Will assist president, and assume role of president when president is unavailable or not present at meetings, rides etc.

Secretary/ Treasurer

-    Will maintain records of club members (including contact numbers), club by laws, and will be responsible for paging out club rides, meetings, and any other club business. Will collect and maintain any group funds including but not limited to, dues (if any), event specific fees, and patch purchases. Treasurer will coordinate patch distribution with president. Will also maintain unsold patches, and be responsible for obtaining officers’ patches.

Sergeant at Arms

-    Will formally address prospective members as to their membership status, formally address policy violations, and be responsible for collecting delinquent funds on behalf of the Treasurer. Sergeant at arms will also act as Road Captain in the absence of the Road Captain.

Road Captain

-    Will plan routes and coordinate group rides (including fuel stops), and will lead the procession on all group rides.

Motor City, MI Charter Members:

Aaron "Bacon" Mickey
Greg "Tattoo" DeGrand
Craig "Ram Rod" Kourt
Jim "Deuce" Marinelli
Eric "Kodiak" Kolke
Chris "Moose" VanDyke



(C) 2007 Gunslingers MC Motor City  All rights reserved. All images and content are protected by national and international copyright laws. 
No image or any part of this site may be downloaded or duplicated in anyway without written permission from Gunslingers MC, Motor City. 
Any unauthorized use or reproduction will result in criminal and civil prosecution.